Shivnsh Khandal reports from Ajmer. Union Minister Kiren Rijiju on Friday presented the chaadar sent by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti. On this occasion, he read the Prime Minister's message and prayed to Khwaja Saheb for peace, prosperity and unity in the country. Syed Nasiruddin Chishti, President of All India Sufi Sajjadanashin Parishad, has welcomed this step of Prime Minister Modi. He said that this has been an old tradition. Since the country became independent in 1947, the Prime Minister of India has been sending a chaadar on the occasion of the annual Urs. This tradition has also been maintained by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi after becoming the Prime Minister in 2014. This is a part of the culture and civilization of India, in which every religion, every sect and every Sufi saint is respected. He said that Prime Minister Modi has not only continued this tradition for the last 10 years, but has also performed it with full devotion and faith. He sends the chaadar every year and carries out this tradition with full dignity. Even today we have information that Prime Minister Modi will hand over the chaadar to Minority Minister Kiren Rijiju on Thursday evening. This is a positive message and an answer to those who have been fuelling the temple-mosque dispute for the past few months. The civilization and culture of our country is that all religions and faiths should be respected. Prime Minister Modi's principle of 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Samman' is important in this perspective. This is a positive message and I will always support it. When the chaadar comes, we will be ready to host it. This is an answer to those who are talking about breaking the country and creating controversy in the name of religion.