Report by Mahendra Singh from Jaisalmer. There is a lot of chaos in the border district Jaisalmer regarding electricity. People of villages like Karada, Lala, Naya Achala, Watyadu, Uttam Nagar and Mehrajot of Uttam Nagar Gram Panchayat of Fatehgarh town are facing electricity crisis. Electricity supply has almost stopped in these villages for the last three months. Villagers say that electricity comes only for an hour in the evening and that too becomes useless due to low voltage. Due to this, the villagers are facing a lot of trouble and with the light far away, it has become difficult to charge the mobile. So the flour mills are also closed. Due to which daily work is getting affected. Due to lack of electricity, they have been forced to make a local Jugaad to grind wheat by attaching a mill behind the tractor. Villagers complained to the electricity department many times, but no solution has been found till now. People say that their daily life is being badly affected due to the electricity problem. Regarding this, the villagers have demanded a permanent solution from the administration soon. At the same time, the officials still seem to be failing to take any concrete steps.